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Women’s Healthcare Discussions: What Are The IVF Services?

Are you problematic because you have been trying to get pregnant? You have taken get-pregnant medicine for years. But, you still can’t get pregnant many times if you try. Some women took medicine, herbs, and anything just to bear a child.

Aside from these, some women can’t easily bear a child. The hong kong ivf services are types of get-pregnant methods. The get-pregnant methods follow procedures on specific fertilization. IVF is a laboratory method concerning the health and medical cases of women.


IVF is a fertility treatment performed out of the body. During IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), mature eggs are collected and fertilized. The mature eggs are from ovaries and they are fertilized by sperm. An IVF procedure is performed by placing more fertilized eggs. It is called embryos where babies develop.

The IVF will run two to three weeks as a full cycle of the process.

Can IVF make you pregnant?

The egg is fertilized. The sperm is injected into the egg. IVF has a complex series of procedures leading to pregnancy.

Is IVF safe?

IVF is safer for the mothers. IVF pregnancy is as safe and healthy as a normal pregnancy. Take enough care and follow the instructions of your gynecologist.

Types of IVF

IVF has three main approaches, such as:

IVF options

Some women don’t want to take fertility drugs. If you can’t take drugs, IVF can be an option.

Natural cycle IVF

Natural cycle IVF doesn’t use fertility drugs. An egg is released for the normal monthly cycle. It is taken and mixed with sperm. You will be continuing with the IVF treatment.

The ovaries are not stimulated. You can try again with standard IVF. You can have multiple pregnancies than the standard IVF.

Mild stimulation IVF

You will receive a lower dose of fertility drugs in mild stimulation IVF. It reduces your treatment by 2 weeks. You can avoid lots of unpleasant side effects.

In vitro maturation

In IVM, the eggs are removed while immature. Immature eggs are allowed to mature in the laboratory. It means hormones are not taken. You can have IVM if you have ICSI. IVM is a new technique.

The success rate of IVF

The average success rate on the first attempt is around 20-35%. Women under 35 have a 55.6% success rate. Live births in each embryo transfer will be 41.4%. The larger embryo transfer has a live birth of 47%.

Women have the highest chances of success from 24-34. The age range is when women are most fertile. At the age of 40, the success rate of IVF drops.

Are the IVF newborns healthy?

IVF kids are like normal delivery children. The children have the same physical attributes and mental capacity.

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